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Showing posts from January, 2018

Finally!!! 2017 Liebster Award Nomination

Once in a while,seeds you sow randomly are the ones that end up giving the most fragrant flower.I recently became a part of a wonderful Facebook group about blogging, and participated in an open poll going on for nominations to Liebster Award 2017. It is a community award that every new blogger dreams of! Here is what this award is all about. Before I Begin,a huge shoutout to Joylee at for nominating me.Her blogs are simple yet catchy and she writes about her journey of motherhood in all its glory.Do check her blog out. Thanks Joylee, <3 from India. LIEBSTER AWARD 2017 QUESTIONS 10 RANDOM FACTS ABOUT ME: I love music and sleeping,true love! Reading comes and goes ,but what I read sticks with me. I an am ignostic ie I'm indifferent to religion I bake really delicious brownies and cakes At 23,I'm almost a postgraduate.Asians are used to it. My dream job is to be the caretaker of my own panda zoo. I code,a lot! I didnt think I will